St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

We pray, We work, We play, We care, We do our best!


Devonshire Drive, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5RJ

01254 231277

LATEST NEWS & DATES : 23/1 - Kids Football Cup Final Day at Fleetwood.....27/1 - Year 6 Residential to Robin Wood.....14/2 - School Closes for Half-Term....24/2 - Children return back to school.....5/3 - Scholastic Book Fayre in school for 1 week.....6/3 - World Book Day.....14/3 - Let's Go Sing at Blackpool Winter Gardens

2019-20 - Summer Term - Childcare & Home Learning Evidence

Here is a selection of the huge variety of activities that children in childcare have been doing with us since March 2020...

Andy Warhol Work

Klee Art Work

Learning about the Atlantic Slave Trade

Creating Board Games

Chalk Art Work

Making Cornflour Hair Conditioner

Cup Cakes & Nature Walks

Fitness Fun

Making Fruit Salads

Galaxy Jars

Fruit Kebabs

Klimt Art Work


Letters of appreciation

Mrs Hadfield's Nail Salon

Nature Art with leaves

Raincloud in a jar


Jackson Pollock Art Work

Rainbow Nature

Robot Designs

Sketching Art work

Weather in a Jar

Georgia O'Keefe Sunflower Art work

Time Capsules

V.E. Day

Van Gogh Art work

Bug Collecting

Bug Hotels

Completing the Mile

Den Building

Lava Lamps

Leaf Collecting for Art

Marshmallow Structures

Papier Mache Heads 

Slavery Art Topic - Year 6
