St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

We pray, We work, We play, We care, We do our best!


Devonshire Drive, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5RJ

01254 231277

LATEST NEWS & DATES : 23/1 - Kids Football Cup Final Day at Fleetwood.....27/1 - Year 6 Residential to Robin Wood.....14/2 - School Closes for Half-Term....24/2 - Children return back to school.....5/3 - Scholastic Book Fayre in school for 1 week.....6/3 - World Book Day.....14/3 - Let's Go Sing at Blackpool Winter Gardens



"You shall love, the Lord, your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength." 

(Deuteronomy 6:5)



Worship Policy

 worship-policy updated June 2023.docDownload
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Daily Acts of Worship

 Worship overview 2022-2023.docxDownload
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Prayer Policy

 prayer policy.docDownload
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Class Masses throughout the year

Worship in Class 5

Bob Turner plans Worship with the GIFT Team and Eco Team

Outdoor Worship in Class 3

Open the Book join us for Worship throughout 2023-24

Outdoor Worship in Class 2

Class 2 Worship - Corpus Christi

Class 4 Worship

Whole School Mass to celebrate 'The Crowning of Mary' and 'Ascension Day'.

Class 1 Outdoor Worship

GIFT Team leading Outdoor Marian Worship & activities this May

Marian Worship led by pupils at home

Class 2 giving thanks for the plants that God provides for us

Marian Worship in our Worship Room

Class 4's Pentecost Worship in the school entrance area

Pentecost 2023 - Children experiencing and leading class, whole school and meditational Worship inside and outside school. We also had a visit from our friends at 'Open the Book'. 

Stations of the Cross Service - March 2023

Worship in School - Wednesday 23rd March

Class Eucharistic Worship - March 2023

Class Worship - Jesus up the mountain

Whole School Ash Wednesday Mass - February 2023

GIFT Team lead whole school Worship

GIFT Team lead class Worship

Epiphany Class Worship - January 2023

Whole School Advent Mass - December 2022

GIFT team Advent Worship - December 2022

Advent Worship in Classes - December 2022

Open the Book - November 2022

Bob Turner Visits School on behalf of CAFOD

The GIFT Team lead Worship in Class One

Class 3 explore the Sacraments through Outdoor Worship

Open the Book lead another brilliant visual story from the Old Testament - 'Moses and the Basket'

Class 3 started off the year's weekly visit's to Church by leading Mass with the theme of St. Matthew

Class 3 Outdoor Worship to celebrate their God-given talents

The GIFT team lead a beautiful tribute in Worship to the memory of Queen Elizabeth ll

St. Joseph the Worker - GIFT Team Worship 

Lent Assembly- March 2022

February 2022 - Open the Book Worship

January 2022 - Class 4's turn to use the Shrine for their Worship

January 2022 - Worship in Class 2 using the Shrine of the Pilgrim Mother as a focal point

January 2022 - During Celebration Assembly, we thank God that he gives us special talents and celebrate out of school success such as this Class 2 girl's kick-boxing  award.

December 2021 - Celebration Assembly - Lighting the Advent Wreath

December 2021 - 'The Travelling Nativity' - Children have been taking this Worship pack home and leading Worship at home with their families.

November 2021 - 'Open the Book' came into school to perform a fantastic drama in Worship about 'The King who wouldn't listen'. 

November 2021 - Remembrance Day Worship through school

October - 'The Month of Mary' - Mission Together. Worship planned for children to deliver with families at home.

Father Farrell leads a special Service for the blessing of the GIFT Team and our new Reception children

Worship areas in school - Autumn 2021

October 2021 - Bob Turner's CAFOD assembly. More information to follow on how we will be supporting CAFOD this year at St. Mary's.

Class 2 Worship - 'We Are All God's Children'

September 2021 - Worship Leaders in Class 2

Year 6 outdoor Worship

Class 3 Outdoor Worship

September 2021 - Whole School Worship is back!!!

Some lovely independent prayers written by Class 3 after Worship...

The Season of Creation - September 2021 - Many of our Worships and activities will revolves around this theme for the year

May 2021 - Pentecost Worship around school

May 2021 - The Month of Mary - Marian Worship 

May 2021 - GIFT Team & Class Pentecostal Worship

April 2021 - Class 2 Outdoor Worship

Class 1 'Love' Worship

The Anniversary of Mary Nolan

On the 13th February, it will be the anniversary of Ms. Nolan. It doesn’t seem 4 years ago that we lost her in such tragic circumstances but her memory in the school and community remains strong and we will never let our wonderful memories of her fade. Part of the children's home learning for last week involved the task of creating a special heart for her and sending in a photo of it. We were really pleased to receive lots of these and even a special video made by one of our older children. We have used them to create a special video in her memory. Please click play on the video below…

January 2021 Saints


We have some exciting news about the focus on Saints that each class will have over the coming weeks. Here is an introduction by Father Ian, that he made especially for us, about Patron Saints! More information will soon follow!


Nothing will stop us from safely carrying out Worship each day at St. Mary's! We have had to adapt to the restrictions in place so we have placed our classes on a rota. Each class has their own turn at joining a Worship in the hall with Mr Mashiter and the other classes receive the same Worship live from the safety of their classrooms via Zoom!


We are being very careful to ensure we follow all of our safety guidelines, but we are also making sure that our children receive the same opportunities to take part in and enjoy quality Worship throughout the week, both in the classroom and using our school grounds. 

December 2020 - Please see the video above for the fourth in our set of four Advent Worships delivered through December, including a special message from Father Farrell.

December 2020 - The GIFT Team prepare the school for the start of Advent and lead an Advent Liturgy, blessing the Crib.

Dec 2020 - Advent Home Worship - Thank you to all of our children who took home an 'Advent Home Worship' pack and planned and delivered their own Worship at home. The feedback has been fantastic and it was great to hear the reaction from parents and families involved!

11/11/2020 - Remembrance Day - Every class in school held their own class Worship abound this special day in the year. The children chose locations around school and Church that were special to them and planned and led their Worship together. The video above has been put together in honour of this event but also to showcase everything we did in school. The children watched the video in their classes as part of a follow-up Worship the next day. As one of the Y2 children said, "Even though we can't all be together at the moment in school, it's nice that we can all be together instead on the video!"

October 2020 - 'The Month of Mary Mission Together Home Worship' - Please see the video above for details of how you can take part in Home Worship this month. Well done to our G.I.F.T. team for putting this together! It also reveals our dedication and devotion to Mary, the Patron Saint of our school. 

October 2020 - Our G.I.F.T. team have prepared a special Worship for you to take part in. The children not only planned and delivered the Worship themselves but they chose all of the different outdoor locations that are special to them. The theme of this Worship is our St. Mary's 'Mission Statement' - 'We Pray, We Work, We Play, We Care, We Do Our Best'.   We would love you to join us for this week’s Worship (please click play on the video above):

November 2020 - Remembrance Day - Worship took place in each classroom today and special crosses with the names of local, fallen soldiers were placed in the Church garden during Class 3's special Worship.

October 2020 - 'The Month of Mary Mission Together Home Worship' - Well done to everybody who took part in the Home Worship! These are just a few examples of our children...

November 2020 - In Worship this morning, we looked at the importance of 'being prepared' in the run-up to Advent. Class 4 joined us in the hall and Worship was beamed live to classrooms around school, as we do each week!

In Celebration Assembly this term, our Rainbow Award Certificate winners will also receive a special rainbow biscuit, cooked and packaged especially by our school chef Emma! The Rainbow Award is achieved if children have really stood out for following the values we hold dear in school such as loving one another, caring for one another, being kind to one another and helping each other. Pictured are some of our weekly winners taken from classes across school this Autumn.

October 2020 - Class 4's innovative use of a pumpkin during Worship!

October 2020 - Class 2 Worship - children planning and taking part...

September 2020 - Class 3 planned a wonderful Worship together looking at ways they could share their God-given gifts with the rest of the world.

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Worship with Class 2 - This morning, Class 2 reenacted a parable from the Bible which illustrated how generous God is with his love. We focussed on what we could learn from this in how we treat other people. Should we always say, 'It's not fair!' or should we be generous with our love for others and be happy for them without any jealousy?

Worship is an integral part of our Catholic life at this school. Here are just some of the ways in which we Worship and give thanks to God each day at school...Please see our Facebook page for lots of ideas about how you can facilitate Worship with your children at home!

March 2020 - Stations of the Cross Service - During Lent, our four churches are holding a series of Stations of the Cross Services. On Tuesday 10th March 2020 at 7pm, we will be leading the service here at St. Mary's.

March 2020 - Our Sacramental Programme Children who attended Church on Saturday were presented with a beautiful 'Our Father' scroll. 

Our Governors constantly visit school to take part in Worship, events and talk to children about their learning at school.

February 13th - Ms' Nolan's 3rd Anniversary - Today marks the 3rd anniversary of our very special friend and wonderful Headteacher, Ms. Nolan. We still think about her and refer to her constantly and we will never forget what an amazing person she was and the special legacy she left on our school. We have used Class Worship today and this week to honor her memory. God bless you Mary and we send love and thoughts to her family.

February 2020 - 'Open the Book' visited school to perform one of their special Worships, this time about the Hebrew people reaching the promised land. 

February 26th - Ash Wednesday & Go Purple Day - We celebrated Ash Wednesday this year with a child led Service at Church. Well done to everybody who took part!

February 2020 - Well done Class 5 for a super out of the classroom Class Worship this afternoon.

February 2020 - A special Laudato Si Worship in February was followed up in classes through school with children's pledges containing what they will do to care for our common home. A special tree will be created with these messages of hope for our world.

February 2020 - Outdoor Worship - It was an honor to be invited to Class 5's Outdoor Worship this afternoon. 

Advent 2019 - Children have taken home a 'Travelling Nativity' set which they have used to plan and lead a Worship at home with their families.

Each class has a Worship area and there are lots of other places in school which have them too, including the school entrance, KS 1 and KS 2 areas, nurture room, staff room and even the Headteacher's room. The G.I.F.T. team make sure that standards are maintained throughout school and that they look wonderful all year. They also  ensure colors are changed to represent different Church seasons.

Class Worship takes place at several times during the week. Throughout school, children plan and then lead their own Class Worship and this is evidenced in special books. (see photos).

The GIFT team are constantly involved in planning and leading class and whole school Worship in school.

Worship took a very special form in November during Miss Sheridan's Baptism.

Open the Book visit our school each half-term to enrich our Worship with stories from the Old Testament.

Rhema Theatre come to school each Easter to deliver a special whole school Worship and work with each class through the day.

Meditation is now a regular feature of our Worship at all levels at St. Mary's.

Our other faiths themed week gave us the opportunity to visit a local Mosque in Accrington to find out more about Worship in the Islamic faith.

Every opportunity for outdoor Worship is utilised throughout the year.

Whole school Worship takes place twice a week on a Tuesday and Friday morning.

Rosary Walk & outdoor Worship 2019

Stations of the Cross Service 2019

Worships in school are evaluated by children throughout school.

Holy Communion 2019

Ash Wednesday Service at Church - 2019

 Easter Service 2019

Classes planned and delivered Worship to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the passing of our beloved Headteacher Ms. Nolan.

The 60th anniversary of the Church led to lots of opportunities for Worship both in school, in Church and outdoors!

We now have an outdoor Worship hut which the GIFT team use as a meeting place and all classes in school use throughout the week.

The GIFT team are constantly involved with delivering Worship in school throughout the year.

In Autumn 2019, we teamed up for a special joint Worship with All Saints primary school in Clayton-le-Moors.

Autumn 2019 - A variety of indoor and outdoor Worships from this term in Class 5.

Churches Together Service December 2019

We invited other schools in April 2019 for a special Lentern Workshop and Worship.