Mental Health & Well-being at St. Mary's
Senior Mental Health Lead: Mr Mashiter
Latest Mental Health Newsletter
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Mental Health Newsletter Spring 2025pptx.pptx | Download |
Our vision is to develop a school community where children can enjoy a welcoming, secure, happy and healthy environment, where all members can develop their ability to be Ready, Responsible, and Respectful.
At St. Mary's, we support the emotional health and wellbeing of our pupils, parents and staff. We have a supportive and caring ethos model of respect and kindness, where each individual is valued.
We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times, anyone may need additional emotional support. We take the view that positive mental health is everybody’s business and that we all have a role to play.
We promote a mentally healthy environment through:
Promoting our school values and encouraging a sense of belonging
Promoting pupil voice and opportunities to participate in decision-making
Celebrating academic and non-academic achievements
Providing opportunities to develop a sense of worth through taking responsibility for themselves and others
Providing opportunities to reflect
Access to appropriate support that meets their needs
If your child is having issues with their social, emotional or mental health, then they may need support with:
- Attendance
- Attention and listening skills
- Low self-esteem
- Managing anger
- Forming and maintaining relationships
- Depression
- Bereavement
- Life outside school
Your child may benefit from:
- Play Therapy - (see section below)
- Behaviour support
- Health Care Plan
- Buddy System
- Playground support
- Access to quiet areas
- Family Support
- Pastoral support and guidance from a key member of staff
- Lego Therapy
- Support from the School Nurse
- School-based nurture sessions
- Support, advice & training from specialists
There may be a time when your children need access to our play therapist, Leanne Chance. If you feel that your children would benefit from this, please get in touch with school for more information. It might be that we make this suggestion to you but please be assured we will always seek parental consent first. Leanne represents 'Jo Whalley Counseling Services' and provides a safe space for children who may be experiencing difficulties, helping them to explore their feelings and emotions in a non-judgemental environment. It has proved to be an extremely valuable service for our children in recent years. Please visit this page for more information.
Our two 'Well-Being Warriors' will be taking part in lots of activities to focus on the well-being of all of our children at St. Mary's this year. Please visit this page for more information.
We have a brand new nurture room that provides a safe and comfortable space for any of our children who might need access to it, with adult support.
Positive Experiences
St. Mary's offers pupils many opportunities to do physical activities as well as opportunities to relax which both are ways to promote wellbeing and positive mental health.
- Lunch games to play outside
- Library to borrow books to read
- Outside reading area
- Friendship bench
- Active learning
- Nurture Provision Room
- Home Learning Projects
- Themed days
- Charity days
- Christmas Fayres
- Residential visits
- Educational day visits
- After school clubs
- Topic related visits and visitors
Celebrating Success
We like to celebrate our many successes together by:
- Posting celebrations on our website and Facebook and in our weekly school newsletters to celebrate what is taking place
- Displaying pupil’s work
- Celebration Assembly each week
- Class and Whole School Worship
Useful Websites and Links
Supporting people whose low mood and anxiety are primarily caused by social issues
NHS Advice on Mental Health and Wellbeing
Mind, the mental health charity - help for mental health problems
Your Guide to CAMHS - YoungMinds
Ourplace | Online Parenting Child Education Courses
Apps for Wellbeing and Mental Health
- List of Wellbeing Apps for Children Internet Org.Matters - Top Wellbeing Apps for Kids in 2020
- Stop Breathe and Think App Check in with how you're feeling and try short activities tuned to your emotions
- Smiling Mind App A great app with age specific mindfulness resources, including a new resource, 'Thrive Inside'. Thrive Inside is a special program to help you stay psychologically healthy while you're spending extended periods of time at home.
- Cosmic Kids Yoga and Mindfulness App This app often has a two week trial available
Emotional literacy resources for children
Children's Mental Health - You're never to young to talk about it.
Express yourself: Children’s Mental Health Week Toolkit
More free resources for children also available by clicking on this link ELSA (Emotional Literacy)
Wiltshire children's wellbeing activity pack - from Barnardo's
Mindfulness calendar with 5 minute activities