St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

We pray, We work, We play, We care, We do our best!


Devonshire Drive, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5RJ

01254 231277

LATEST NEWS & DATES : 23/1 - Kids Football Cup Final Day at Fleetwood.....27/1 - Year 6 Residential to Robin Wood.....14/2 - School Closes for Half-Term....24/2 - Children return back to school.....5/3 - Scholastic Book Fayre in school for 1 week.....6/3 - World Book Day.....14/3 - Let's Go Sing at Blackpool Winter Gardens

Learning & Provision Evidence

We are extremely proud of our EYFS provision at St. Mary's. We have an incredibly hard working team who stop at nothing to provide a wide range of indoor and outdoor provision that is matched to the children's current learning and is constantly evolving. 

Looking After Our World

Outdoor Learning in the Sunshine!

Geography Topic

Caterpillars come to Class 1!

Forest School for Class 1 - Signs of Spring & Sing a Song of Sixpence

Art Day with Art Jo

Mystery reader each week in Class 1

Nature Walk - Looking for signs of growth