St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

We pray, We work, We play, We care, We do our best!


Devonshire Drive, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5RJ

01254 231277

LATEST NEWS & DATES : 23/1 - Kids Football Cup Final Day at Fleetwood.....27/1 - Year 6 Residential to Robin Wood.....14/2 - School Closes for Half-Term....24/2 - Children return back to school.....5/3 - Scholastic Book Fayre in school for 1 week.....6/3 - World Book Day.....14/3 - Let's Go Sing at Blackpool Winter Gardens

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." 

John 10:10


The aims of Religious Education

R.E. in school is concerned with children understanding mankind's search for meaning, value and purpose in life. We aim to aid the children's understanding of religion as a significant area of human experience. The children are not simply learning about religion, they are learning from it.

Please read our R.E. policy for more details.



RE and SMSC lessons are rich in sacred scripture and staff are well-equipped to weave scripture into their provision of teaching and learning in line with our approach to providing a Catholic curriculum to our pupils. The pupils encounter and engage with scripture in RE lessons using the ‘Come and See’, ‘Caritas in Action’ and RSE schemes in lessons and the ‘Statements of belief’ as a source of scripture for collective worship.

Each class collaboratively chooses a piece of scripture which is displayed on each classroom door. The positive impact of empowering pupils to choose scripture led them to ask for more scripture to be displayed around school.  This is included in a display policy which states that all displays will have relevant scripture attached.  Pupils enjoy reading the scripture around school and “listening to what God is telling them.” 

Pupils read scripture in lessons, Masses and liturgies.  Pupils hear the weekly Gospel readings in full school worship (using the Ten:Ten worship resource)  and the weekly newsletter opens with scripture from  Gospel readings, thus enabling pupils and families to enable families to hare Gospel stories together.

Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural Education

Our Catholic beliefs and values provide the context for all learning and school experiences. The ‘CARITAS in Action’ programme is utilized to deliver the social teaching of the Catholic Church.  The teachings come from; the Gospels and words of Jesus; Scripture; Papal statements; Catholic bishops’ statements and pastoral letters.

Big Questions

In addition to CARITAS there are also planned opportunities for ‘Big Questions’ about the purpose and meaning of life.  ‘Big Questions’ are  asked and discussed during  each ‘Topic’ themed unit of work from the ‘St. Mary's Curriculum Overview’ which is used to teach core and foundation subjects in line with the requirements of the New Curriculum  (see suggested ‘Big Questions’ above).

The Religious Education Programme

To fulfil our aims we use the Come and See programme of Religious Education. In accordance with the guidelines from the Bishops' Conference the children at St Mary’s receive 2.5 hours of Religious Education each week. It integrates the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Catholic Levels of Attainment and the Religious Education Curriculum Directory. Children explore the mystery of Faith through Scripture and Tradition. Links are made explicitly in planning documents to the resources and plans are adapted to meet the needs of the unique cohort. Lessons are very well resourced with both interactive stimuli, a variety of artefacts and making cross curricular links. There are three topics taught each term and 2 ‘other faith’ units; Islam and Judaism. Come and See meets the requirements of the Curriculum Directory. There is a selection of ritual objects, books, videos and posters etc in school. (Please see document below for yearly overview).



Christ at the Centre of our Curriculum

Mixed age planning

A long term plan has been developed which accounts for mixed year groups (See long term plans)

Teachers will differentiate by task, setting appropriate work for SEN, lower, middle and higher abilities.  Some children will remain in the same class for more than one year. The teachers will ensure that the children who spend two years in the same class receive an increased level of challenge in their second year, so that their learning is extended and the children do not repeat the same task.


Each teacher has the responsibility for maintaining records on the children in their class. Assessments are carried out every term.  This information is then used to inform planning.  The results submitted to the R.E. Subject Leader, shared with the Senior Leadership Team and reported to the Governing Body. R.E. is reported formally to parents in the annual reports.


St Mary's Long Term Plan Come and See 

R.E. Long Term Plan - Year A - 2022/23

R.E. Long Term Plan - Year B - 2023-24

Relationships and Sex Education

Relationships and Sex Education is delivered at Saint Mary’s using the ‘A Journey in Love’ scheme in Reception to Year 4 and the ‘All that I am Scheme’ for years 5 and 6 . The schemes are delivered during RSE theme week and  is conducted in conjunction with parents. The scheme takes a Catholic approach to RSE and encompasses key themes and issues related to PSHE.

Please refer to the PSHE policy and RSE overview.


R.S.E. Policy

Enriching the R.E. curriculum

We enrich the R.E. curriculum with lots of trips and visitors and different times of the year. Just before Christmas 2021 for example, the infants had the opportunity to take part in a workshop from our friends 'The Bible Eggsplorers'.