St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

We pray, We work, We play, We care, We do our best!


Devonshire Drive, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5RJ

01254 231277

LATEST NEWS & DATES : 23/1 - Kids Football Cup Final Day at Fleetwood.....27/1 - Year 6 Residential to Robin Wood.....14/2 - School Closes for Half-Term....24/2 - Children return back to school.....5/3 - Scholastic Book Fayre in school for 1 week.....6/3 - World Book Day.....14/3 - Let's Go Sing at Blackpool Winter Gardens

Holiday requests

We ask that you avoid taking your children out of school during term time unless circumstances are extreme. We plan the school holidays carefully so giving parents the opportunity to plan and take holidays at some of the more warmer and less busy times of the year, such as the 2 week break at the end of May.

Any time away during school time must be requested in writing to the Headteacher beforehand and, as stated, they must be extreme circumstances to be approved. We have adopted the Lancashire policy meaning that time away during the school year will result in a fine. Time away from learning can seriously impact on children's progress in school.

When planning holidays, please be mindful that this cannot happen during term time and to please use the 70 other days between Monday and Friday during the year that are given as school holidays. 

Please read the letter below carefully, which gives information about a stricter policy from Lancashire which school adopts. 

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