St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

We pray, We work, We play, We care, We do our best!


Devonshire Drive, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5RJ

01254 231277

LATEST NEWS & DATES : 23/1 - Kids Football Cup Final Day at Fleetwood.....27/1 - Year 6 Residential to Robin Wood.....14/2 - School Closes for Half-Term....24/2 - Children return back to school.....5/3 - Scholastic Book Fayre in school for 1 week.....6/3 - World Book Day.....14/3 - Let's Go Sing at Blackpool Winter Gardens

Parish Links

New Parish Website :

Recently we have been working tirelessly at school to create stronger links with our Parish. We attend Parish committee meetings and regularly come up with activities and next steps to strengthen these links even further. Below are some recent photographs to illustrate these links...

In May 2023, we lost one of our eldest parishioners, Gladys. It was a pleasure to meet her family and accept a donation that she had left to the school at Celebration Assembly.

'The Memories of St. Mary's' - Photo Project

The school choir and Class 5 have visited lots of local people over the festive period including a shopping market hall in Accrington, The Hollies residential home for the elderly and SPAR supermarket.

 It is really sad that we can't go out into the community like we used to but we are doing everything we can to liaise with them in as many ways as possible. We will be taking part in lots of on-line activities including carol singing, Worship and messages to the community. We have also made a huge effort with charity work as we aim to look after all of the people who really need our help in the community. Father Farrell is also making weekly visits to each class which we are truly greatful for...

We held a beautiful Mass as Mrs Sheridan was brought forward into the Catholic Faith. 

 Remembrance Day. The G.I.F.T. team gave Class 4 and Class 5 the task of researching a local soldier who died in either the First or Second World War. They then planted crosses in the ground to honor them which the parishioners were able to see on their way to Church this weekend.

The community have been involved in collecting jackets and coats for charity. We filled 10 large bags full of clothing.

The G.I.F.T. team visited the Parish Friendship Group for an afternoon of fun and games...and some delicious cake! This will now become a regular fixture as we continue to make stronger links with our community.

Special Mass for the 60th Anniversary of the Church.

'Open the Book', a group of local parishioners, come into school to deliver acts of Worship to the school children each half-term.

Mrs Hinds and the local parishioners has been busy preparing evidence of all of the sacraments that have happened at St. Mary's Church over the last 60 years.

The School Uniform Bank are a charity run by one of our parents. They provide free uniform and school equipment for those families who might need a helping hand.

The school joined forces with the parish who put on a choral singing event for the community to enjoy.

Our eco-classroom has been built using eco-brick donations from the local community. They were all invited to share in the celebrations as Bishop John officially opened it up to our children.

Food bank parcels. We have been busy growing food to donate to our local food banks.

The G.I.F.T. Team invited a member of the Parish, Mr McManus, to tell him about the initiatives we have planned in school this coming school year.

Various photographs of our Parish Picnic event to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Church.