St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

We pray, We work, We play, We care, We do our best!


Devonshire Drive, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5RJ

01254 231277

LATEST NEWS & DATES : 1/5/2024 - Class 3 & 4 Mass at 10.00 a.m.....17/5/2024 - Race Night at St. Mary's Organised by PTFA....22/5/2024 - Reception Heights & Weights.....22/5/2024 - Class 1,2 & 5 Mass at 10.00 a.m......23/5/2024 - Sacrament of Reconciliation in Church at 10.00 a.m.....24/5/2024 - Deadline for Year 6 Residential payment....24/5/2024 - School breaks up for 2 weeks......10/6/2024 - Y1 Phonics and Y4 Multiplication Checks over next 2 weeks....17/6/2024 - Whitehough Y6 Resdiential - 3 days....26/6/2024 - Junior Trip to Outdoor Elements.....27/6/2024 - New to Reception Starters Evening at 6.00 p.m......7/7/2024 - Sacrament of Holy Communion - Time TBC....9/7/2024 - New to Reception Taster Morning at 9.05 a.m......10/7/2024 - Infant Trip to Smithills Farm.....11/7/2024 - Year 6 Leaver's Service in Church at 10.00 a.m.......12/7/2024 - Y6 Leaver's Lunch......15/7/2024 - Reports Out to Parents......16/7/2024 - Junior Play Performance - 'Cinderella' - 2 p.m. & 6 p.m......17/7/2024 - Year 6 Leaver's Assembly.....17/7/2024 - School Finishes for the Summer at 1.15/1.30 p.m.


We are very lucky to have lots of volunteers and teaching staff who lead lots of different clubs in school. These change termly to cater for as many interests as possible. Please keep checking the school newsletters, facebook page and letters home for news of new clubs in school.


FUNDA After-school clubs

This school year, every class will have one night a week devoted to an after school club throughout the year. As we progress through the Autumn term, children will be asked which sporting themes they would like to cover for their after-school club. Some classes have chosen Curling as their sport in the second half of the autumn term whilst others have chosen fitness. The cost is just £10.00 per child per half-term for an hour a week. Coach Kyle will run these sessions.

God's Gardeners

Every Monday night, Mrs Schofield and Mr Meechin will take a group of children for Gardening Club. They will take part in many different gardening initiatives in our quest to become a 'gardening school'. This will also include growing and looking after fruit and vegetables.

Nurture Club

Miss Hadfield will select some children to take part in a weekly nurture club. There will be lots of exciting activities aimed at nurturing our children both mentally and socially and improving their well-being. 

Music Clubs

Throughout the year, our choir will take part in lots of different events such as Sing Together, the Mount Carmel Carroll Concert, Accrington Market singing, singing at residential homes and supermarkets and many more events. These clubs will take place during the school day.

Sports Clubs

Throughout the year, Miss Sheridan will run a series of sports clubs to train all of our children at school before each of them represents us in a competition. Every child will take part at some stage in the year at least once.


The GIFT Team will meet every Friday dinner-time. Please see our RE section for more details...


The new Eco-Team will be formed and meet with Mr Mashiter.

School Council